In terms of geopolitics, the province of Dornod has access to the international market. With good road and infrastructures, Dornod province is connected to the capital Ulaanbaatar by 650km long hard-paved road. It maintains regular access by railway and road with Transbaikal territory of Russian Federation /220km to the port of Ereentsav-Solovievsk/ and further access to the sea through the port of Vladivostok of Russian Federation /2800kms long/. It further connects with People’s Republic of China by three different ports and can have access to the European and Northeast Asian countries through Hulunbuir and Hyangan regions of China /120km to the port of Khavirga-Ar Khashaat/. The meat processing plant has a quarantine area of 400000 sq. meters under its ownership and access to the central heating and water.
